About Eden Desserts

Eden Desserts Ltd. is the leading company in Israel of producing desserts in personal packaging

We started our love for sweet and desserts from a small Malawi in 1995 and today we serve dozens of different and varied desserts. Dessert Eden is the leading company in Israel to produce desserts in personal packaging. We offer delicious and high quality boutique desserts to the standards that can only be reached in pastry shops or chef restaurants. Our desserts can now be found in every writer in Israel and worldwide in favor of Diaspora Jews. We emphasize the uncompromising quality of raw materials, work with the latest technologies and balance everything with endless love for desserts.
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Making a personal dessert - what does that mean?

To produce a personalized dish that weighs about 100 grams at the chef-confectioner level, we embark on a culinary journey that encompasses a long line of professionals: It begins with the idea of ​​one of the consultant chefs, from where it passes to the food and confectioner technologist. Then comes the turn of packaging and graphic design consultants and proceeds to our factory with the production and packaging workers and ends with a tasting control whose job is to simply taste delicious desserts and approve them …

7 Facts About Eden Dessert

1. The company was founded in 1995 by Naor Barzani and Eli Bouaron, then two soldiers.

2. In the first three years we only produced Malabi. Today, 25 years after, we offer about 20 different desserts.

3. The company sells about a million desserts every month.

4. The first years of operation were at home in Bat Yam. We celebrated the launch of the company’s factory in Ashkelon during a rocket attack during Operation Cliff Eitan.

5. The excellent (and kosher) products of Eden Dessert can be found not only in Israel, but also in England, France and the United States.

6. The company specializes in “corrupt” desserts, but to keep no one hungry we also launch a series of low-fat and sugar-free light desserts that will also offer the great taste.

7. Our products have passed the highest quality control under the strictest standards in the field.


Alongside the quality, kosher is also a top value for us. All of Eden’s products are milky kosher desserts under the supervision of Rabbi Rubin and the Chief Rabbinate of Ashkelon. Production at the company’s factories is under close and daily supervision by a kosher overseer. For the Passover holiday, the company produces kosher desserts for only legume eaters.

Our products are under the supervision of international standards


Naor Barazani

Eli Bouaron